Authored by Kim Slezak and CWSF

The Council of Western State Foresters (CWSF) Forest Products Committee (FPC) supports sustainable forest management, the forest industry, and communities. FPC members help to inform the CWSF membership about issues and opportunities for leadership action. 

The FPC works year-round to promote new markets and retain existing markets. Typically, an emergent market is identified and investigated with a written report. In 2022, a Wood Wool Cement and Wood Fiber Insulation Analysis was chosen. The Wood Wool Cement & Wood Fiber Insulation Feasibility Analysis, developed by The Beck Group, provides an overview of key feasibility considerations for businesses developed around Wood Wool Cement and Wood Fiber Insulation.

In September, the FPC released a Request for Information (RFI) in preparation for a Ponderosa Pine Symposium. The forthcoming symposium will enhance ponderosa pine utilization by sharing the latest research, success stories, information on emerging technologies, and resources to support the long-term sustainability and competitiveness of the ponderosa pine sector of the timber industry. The outcome will be a forward-looking roadmap that identifies potential actions to address key industry needs, foster innovation, and identify potential resources and support. The RFI deadline was October 18. Be on the lookout for an announcement for the Ponderosa Pine Symposium date and location. 

In early October, the opening of a new wood processing facility near Flagstaff, Arizona, was announced. This is a good piece of news in a slurry of closures of processing and manufacturing businesses utilizing wood coast to coast. 

The third week of October marked National Forest Products Week. This yearly observation celebrates the role that forests play in the products we use every day. 

During the National Forest Products Week celebration, the USDA Forest Service (Forest Service) announced the award of three regional grants to enhance forest markets. These grants will support and expand the capacity of the regional State Forester’s utilization and marketing programs to address forest product markets and their role in improving forest management. Learn more in a blog post from the National Association of State Foresters.

On October 24, the Forest Service also announced it is making nearly $34 million in funding available through its Wood Innovations, Community Wood, and Wood Products Infrastructure Assistance grant programs.

It is clear that none of us alone can tackle the hurdles presented to the forest industry in recent years. However, if we work together for the resources to improve forest health and decrease catastrophic fire risk, it’s a win-win for everyone. 

To learn more about the CWSF Forest Products Committee, visit  
