This month, we are pleased to feature John Erixson, Director and State Forester for the Nebraska Forest Service. 

What was your first position in the field of forestry?

Timber Cruiser

How long have you been in your role?

About 19 months.

What do you enjoy most about being a CWSF member?

The interaction with other State Foresters, their advice and council is extremely helpful.

What do you see to be the emerging issues in your state?

We have several emerging issues including Emerald Ash Borer, issues with T&E (specifically northern long-eared bats) and the ongoing challenges with wildfire. 

What is your favorite hobby?


What is your favorite tree?

Grand fir

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Hunting on the family ranch.

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

Either an electrician or a pilot.